Thursday, August 28, 2008

I wonder sometimes

While being the SHO's clerking bitch the other day on MAU.
"Sorry sir, just to clarify, did you just tell me that you have been passing blood in your water for 13 days?"
"Yes, 13 days."
"Every time you pass water, every single day, for 13 days?"
"And you say it's like passing red wine?"
"Yes, that's correct."
"Any particular reason you decided to come into hospital today?"
(shrugs) "I'm still passing blood..."
Is it just me or does that strike anyone as rather odd?


El Chrissy said...

Which is odd?
The man who decided to go on the 13th day instead of let's say, right away, or do you mean the entire scenario?


The Poor Medic said...

The fact that he was peeing blood for 13 days but it never occurred to him to go to the hospital before that. Like, it is rather unusual to be peeing blood, right?

El Chrissy said...

Perhaps it's quite normal for him, it's just that it's never gone on longer than 13 days...

Chee said...

Maybe he thought he could just sleep it off.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess the same mentality that lets a person leave a tumor grow till it weighs 25 KILOS (yes, 25 kilos just popped next to his kidney! I haven't seen it myself but it's kinda of a legend here, I saw pictures though!!!) would let a guy pass blood for 13 days!!!
At least he didn't wait till he passed 25 kilos of blood!