Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Why Medicine?

It's one of the questions that everyone seems to ask, especially, especially UCAS personal statements and admissions tutors.

It also happens to be one of the questions I ask myself everyday when I get out of bed, which is perhaps not the best way to start your day.

Why medicine?

Oh, well you know, I've always wanted to be a medic, it's my destiny, my calling, my life will not be complete if I do not have Dr. in front of my name.

No, I didn't say that in my interview.

My official answer when faced with that question is simply, I like being challenged to solve puzzles.

I like putting the pieces together, connecting the dots, then sitting back and looking at the full picture glaring back at me. Medicine gives me the opportunity to do that.

Granted, many other professions do, perhaps just about any job you care to think of incorporates elements of problem solving... but I digress.

Truth is, I wouldn't know what else to do if not medicine.

But despite the daily doubting of my ability to survive in the world of health care, the constant confidence crushing at the hands of consultants and the early morning marathon ward rounds, I love every moment of it.

So there.


El Chrissy said...

I remember the workshop I went to two years ago said,

Whatever you do, do not say that you like to save people.


The Poor Medic said...

How about I like to disembowel them?

El Chrissy said...

That's very very naughty!